
Richard, Abdulla, & Runco: DOI: 10.18536/jge.2017.

Jump to: Journal of Genius and Eminence | Volume 2

Richard, V., Abdulla, A. M., & Runco, M. A. (2017). Influence of skill level, experience, hours of training, and other sport participation on the creativity of elite athletes. Journal of Genius and Eminence, 2(1), 65-76. http://dx.doi.org/10.18536/jge.2017.

Influence of Skill Level, Experience, Hours of Training, and Other Sport Participation on the Creativity of Elite Athletes

Véronique Richard
University of Montreal

Ahmed Mohamed Abdulla
Arabian Gulf University

Mark A. Runco

University of Georgia, Athens

The inaugural issue of the Journal of Genius and Eminence (JGE) contained an editorial that called for investigations representing a wide range of fields and domains. That issue of JGE contained articles on genius and outstanding achievement in history, culture, and philosophy, the language arts, science, and the culinary arts. The present article adds athletics to the domains investigated and reported in JGE. This article reports findings from a detailed study of Olympic and world-class athletes. It describes their creativity and how it is related to expertise, knowledge, practice, and diversity of experiences. Results confirmed the expected differences among levels of athletic expertise and pointed to diverse practice as key for creative capacities. Limitations and future directions are given.