
Serrano-Martínez: DOI 10.18536/bcce.2016.

Jump to: Business Creativity and the Creative Economy | Volume 2

The Geographic Distribution of Creativity: An Analysis of Rural Districts

Cecilia Serrano-Martínez
University of Zaragoza (Spain)

Serrano-Martínez, C. (2016). The geographic distribution of creativity: An analysis of rural districts. Business Creativity and the Creative Economy, 2(1), 93-101. https://doi.org/10.18536/bcce.2016.


Previously, research on the “creative class” (Florida, 2002) has relied on an index comprised of three T’s: talent, tolerance, and technology. That research focused on metropolitan parts of Europe and the United States, and as such is not universally applicable. As concerns the present research, that research does not apply directly to rural areas, which in Spain are known as comarcas. The present research examined the creative class in Aragon, Spain. This is a region located in the northeast of Spain and comprised of three provinces, Huesca, Zaragoza, and Teruel. The present study provides a new creativity index that applies more broadly than that used in previous research with large metropolitan areas.