Business Creativity and the Creative Economy
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Business Creativity and the Creative Economy
ISSNs: Print 2374-1414; Online 2374-1422
Go to: Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4
Mark A. Runco
Distinguished Research Fellow, American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology
Editorial Board
Min Basadur
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and the Center for Research in Applied Creativity
David H. Cropley
School of Engineering, University of South Australia
Igor Dubina
Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia
Takeo Higuchi
Founder, The Idea-Marathon Institute
Director, Japan Creativity Society
Lecturer, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Jaist)
Oyvind Martinsen
Leadership & Organizational Behavior, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway
Michael D. Mumford
Center for Applied Social Research, The University of Oklahoma
Thomas R. Wlliams/Wells Fargo Professor of Organizational Behavior
Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
Ernesto Villalba
Center for the Development of Vocational Education and Training (Cedefop), Thessaloniki, Greece
Richard W. Woodman
Fouraker Professor of Business and Professor of Management
Department of Management, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas