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Journal of Genius and Eminence
Volume 3: Fall 2018
ISSNs: Print 2334-1130; Online 2334-1149
Achieved Eminence in 80 Female Psychologists: Family, Marriage, Children, Education, Career, and Contributions
Dean Keith Simonton
Eminence and Genius in the Real-World: Seven Critical Skills that Make Possible Eminent Achievement
Michael D. Mumford, E. Michelle Todd, & Cory A. Higgs
Creative Process in Hollywood: The Role of Imaginary in the Creation of Mainstream Movies
Silvio Anaz
Amy Winehouse and the Mind of the Artist
Amar Annus
Polymathy: A New Outlook
Michael Espindola Araki
The Genius of Creativity and the Creativity of Genius: The Neuro-Dynamics of Creativity in Karl Jaspers and Sigmund Freud
Petar Radoev Dimkov
The Enigma of a Great Musician: Creativity and Bipolar Disorder?
Vaitsa Giannouli
A Writer’s Creativity Across the Life Span: Paulo Coelho in Psychobiographical Perspective
Claude-Hélène Mayer & David Maree